Matheus Lúcio
Full Stack Developer
Matheus Lúcio
About Me
I'm a Software Engineer with more than 10 years of experience in the technology area, having worked in several companies with projects in the public sector and also in the private sector. I worked for 5 years with PHP, and 2 years with Java, and in the last 3 years, I have worked with Node.JS and React.JS.
- Age 30
- Residence Brazil
- City / State Brasilia, Federal District
- e-mail matheusluciox@gmail.com
What I Do
2023 (studying)
Master of ScienceDigital Marketing And Big Data
Universidad Europea Del Atlántico
PostgraduateSoftware Engineering and Architecture
Universidade Cândido Mendes (UCAM)
BachelorSystems of Information
Universidade Paulista
2020 - Current
Stefanini ITSenior Software Engineer
I work at Banco do Brasil, using technologies such as Java, Node.JS, Python, React JS, Typescript among others.
BairesDevSoftware Engineer
Acting as Software Engineering Consultant using technologies such as Node.JS, React JS, Docker, Kubernetes, Telepresence, FusionAuth, Backstage.io, ArgoCD among others.
SPACE MetaverseFull Stack Software Engineer
Acting as Full Stack Engineering Consultant using technologies such as Node.JS, Next.JS, React JS, Moralis.io, Metamask API, AWS (LightSail, Cognito, RDS, S3, EC2, Lambda), Web3 among others.
SnackClubFull Stack Software Engineer
Acting as Full Stack Engineering Consultant using technologies such as Node.JS, Next.JS, ReactJS, TypeScript, RabbitMQ, Blockchain, Web3 among others.
2021 - 2022
Maitha TechSenior Software Engineer
Acting as Full Stack Developer Consultant Node.JS using technologies such as Node.JS,Python, React JS, TypeScript, RabbitMQ among others.
2019 - 2020
Cast GroupSenior Software Developer
I worked at Banco do Brasil, using technologies such as Java, Node.JS, Python, TypeScript,GitLab, Docker, Kubernetes, Argo CD, JFrog, Rancher, Elasticsearch, Fluentd, Kibana,Prometheus, Grafana, among others.
2019 - 2020
Cast GroupSenior System Analyst
I worked at Banco do Brasil, using technologies such as Java, Node.JS, Python, TypeScript,GitLab, Docker, Kubernetes, Argo CD, JFrog, Rancher, Elasticsearch, Fluentd, Kibana,Prometheus, Grafana, among others.
2018 - 2019
Montreal ViagensSenior IT Analyst
I worked using development technologies such as Java, Spring, Wicket, Jax-RS, Jax-WS,Angular, Electron, React, React Native, AWS, Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, among others.
2018 - 2019
Montreal ViagensSenior IT Analyst
I worked using development technologies such as Java, Spring, Wicket, Jax-RS, Jax-WS,Angular, Electron, React, React Native, AWS, Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, among others.
2017 - 2018
SGS UnigeoSenior Full Stack Developer
I worked using technologies such as Java, Spring, JavaScript, XML, Axway Appcelerator, Alloy,Titanium, SQLite, PostgreSQL, Angular JS, among others.
2015 - 2017
EngesoftwareAnalyst Programmer
I worked at Montreal Viagens using technologies such as PHP, MySQL, SQL Server, C#, .NET,WebServices WSDL, SOAP, Drupal, jQuery, Bootstrap, among others.
2014 - 2015
Cast GroupAnalyst Programmer
I worked on Brazilian Government Projects (Education and External Relationships) usingtechnologies such as PHP, Zend Framework 2, Doctrine 2, UML, jQuery, Scrum, Git, SVN, SQL,Smarty, Joomla, among others.
2013 - 2014
954 GroupJunior Web Developer
I worked using technologies Like PHP, HTML, jQuery, AJAX, MySQL, JSON, among others.
Ministry of DefenseSoftware Developer Intern
Trainee developer, using PHP, Delphi 5, SYBASE, ScriptCase, Oracle SQL.
Coding Skills
- Angular JS
- JavaScript
- Web Development
- Bootstrap
- Node.js
- Spring
- SOA Architecture
- Zend Framework
- Java
- Python
- TypeScript
- GitLab
- Docker
- Kubernetes
- Argo CD
- JFrog
- Rancher
- Elasticsearch
- Fluentd
- Kibana
- Prometheus
- Grafana
- Microsoft SQL Server
- Oracle SQL Developer
- PostgreSQL
- SQLite
- React.JS
- React Native